
Welcome to
Our Happy Tribe!

This blog is filled with ideas to turn everyday moments into Jewish moments, especially for families with young children.

Winter Round-up

Winter Round-up

Celebrating Winter with families

With the last flicker of the candles on the menorah, we say goodbye to Hanukkah, and hello to the arrival winter and a new month on the Jewish calendar, the month of Tevet! This month begins during the last couple of days of Hanukkah, and it’s known as the darkest month of the year. To bring in some extra warmth and light to your month, we’ve created winter (Jewish) themed DIYs and activities for grown-ups and littles!

We wish you a warm and cozy month of Tevet and season of winter!


DIY: Snowball pom poms

DIY: Snowball pom poms

DIY: Intention word bracelets

DIY: Intention word bracelets